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Chinese New Version (CNV)'s Brief History

Western missionaries made a significant contribution to the translation of the Chinese Bible. 112 years after Rev Robert Morrison arrived in the East, translating and publishing the first Mandarin Bible, the "Chinese Union Version" in 1919 was a significant accomplishment. It also inspired future Chinese biblical scholars to continue this vital work.


The following 50 years saw significant political and linguistic changes, new archaeological discoveries, and modern linguistic studies. Biblical scholars were driven to re-examine the original biblical languages. Advances in textual criticism led to the recognition of more authoritative texts, providing insights unavailable 50 or 60 years ago. As a result, many outstanding Chinese scholars emerged, making a new Chinese translation project possible in 1972.


This project involved over 30 bible college presidents, deans, lecturers, more than 10 church overseers, pastors, elders from various denominations, and several Chinese language experts. They collaborated on translation, consultation, revision, and linguistic refinement. The project aimed to be faithful to the original text, communicatively adaptive, and elegantly portrayed. After gathering church-wide feedback and a final review by experienced biblical scholars, the CNV New Testament was published in 1976, and the Old Testament in 1992. This provided the global Chinese community with a Bible translation that was faithful to the original texts, easy to understand, evangelical in faith, and Christ-exalting.


In 2001, the Turn-of-the-Century Edition was published. Bible professors were invited to add book introductions and chapter outlines to help readers understand and appreciate God's Word. The Chinese New Version has continued to make progress and adaptations. The Worldwide Bible Society was established in 2001 to promote and publish this work.

The New Chinese Bible Center, established in 1972, was the forerunner of the World Bible Society (WBS). At that time, some Chinese church leaders recognized the need for a new Chinese Bible translation. This translation would prioritize faithfulness to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts while using contemporary and accessible Chinese language. The goal was to publish a Bible suitable for evangelism and exalted Christ.


A team of 100 Chinese Bible scholars and language experts worldwide was assembled to achieve this goal. Under the leadership of Revs. Drs. Philip Teng, John Pao, Samuel Tang, the late James Taylor III, Timothy Lin, Andrew Song, Wu Ming Chieh, and others. Rev. Paul Yung was appointed General Secretary to oversee the project.


By 1992, the project was completed, and the Chinese New Version (CNV) was born—the first Chinese Bible translated by Chinese scholars directly from the original biblical languages. The Tien Dao Publishing House published the CNV that same year. Since the initial release of the Gospel of John in 1972, millions of copies of the CNV Bible have been distributed in various formats, including individual gospel booklets, the New Testament, and the complete Old and New Testaments.

The CNV: Its Characteristics

Four Key Traits of the CNV Bible

1. Accurate and Consistent

  • The CNV Bible remains faithful to the original languages of the scripture, preserving linguistic nuances and avoiding any additions or omissions.

  • It values consistency and clarity, steering clear of overly complex expressions.

2. Easy to Read and Understand

  • The CNV Bible uses modern and accessible language, avoiding outdated vocabulary that can hinder comprehension.

3&4. Christ-Centered and Faithful to Biblical Theology

  • The CNV Bible focuses on the full deity and humanity of Christ and the redemptive nature of his work.

  • It aligns with the overarching theological message of the Bible.












滕近輝博士(主席)、戴紹曾博士、鮑會園博士、唐佑之博士、桑安柱監督、謝友王博士、陳終道牧師、吳 勇長老、邵慶彰牧師、麥維惕博士(Dr. Kenneth McVety)















唐佑之博士、周永健博士、鄺炳釗博士、馮蔭坤博士、楊錫鏘牧師、詹正義博士、洪同勉博士、沈介山教授、甘汝誠先生、馮耀榮博士、梁 薇博士、馬有藻博士、吳迺恭院長、孔慶明醫生、陳惠榮牧師、陳玉棠牧師、陳黔開牧師、潘仕楷先生、何海濤博士



于中旻博士、朱兆祥教授、張曉風女士、蘇恩佩女士、趙 聰先生、陳錫麟先生、滕近輝博士、陳終道牧師、桑安柱監督、吳明節監督、吳恩沐牧師、胡問憲牧師、邵遵瀾牧師、寇世遠監督、陳振興長老






何 傑博士、吳獻章博士、呂紹昌博士、李春榮博士、周兆真博士、邵晨光博士、邵樟平先生、孫寶玲博士、區伯平牧師、區應毓博士、張 略博士、梁國權先生、郭文池博士、馮兆成博士、馮耀榮博士、黃浩儀博士、黃儀章博士、楊詠嫦博士、黎永明先生、黎業文牧師、蕭楚輝牧師、賴建國博士、謝慧兒博士

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